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Messages - Aboynamedjon

English language forum / MAV kills ban
March 12, 2021, 02:17:35 PM

Reason: MAVKILLS [6d23h][HeB0rpaD]

Second ban from this \"admin\" and again no reason. I was destroying t-ugs and beacons by mav because i was getting ribbons to get surveillance medal. Maybe you should disallowed MAV then? Getting banned for no reason but glitchers can still play like nothing would happen.
Fun fact. I was ussing mav for like 10 minutes and when the person who banned me saw me I get ban after 15 seconds for MAV kill while i didnt kill anyone. LMAO
English language forum / Ban reason
February 18, 2021, 02:08:09 PM

Reason: Thanks for make our system good. Goodbye! [perm][HeB0rpaD]

At least can you explain what that means? Playing whole game without problem and get banned almost 10 second before end.